Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Syrian state documents 'show Assad orchestrated Nakba Day raids on Golan Heights'

Michael Weiss reports that he has received a leaked document which, if it is what it appears to be, confirms that the Assad regime orchestrated the Nakba protest on the border between Syria and the Golan Heights. Read here:

Breaking: Syrian state documents 'show Assad orchestrated Nakba Day raids on Golan Heights' – Telegraph Blogs


Benjamin said...

And of course, Richard Silverstein has decided that his opinion and 'journalism' is actually relevant and wanted: http://hurryupharry.org/2011/06/16/poor-richards-almanac-of-false-accusations/

Benjamin said...

On a related note, I saw your link to an example of Silverstein's 'journalism', which consists entirely of him depending on the fact that Joseph is someone else entirely. Which then segues into a small rant about him being 'Mr. X'.

That guy is too funny to ignore. I hope you make mocking him a regular feature.

Longtime Blogger said...

Hey Adam, OT, but the latest Crazy Train is coming to a theater near you...CMcK and some other ANSWER losers. Funds are urgently needed. No doubt.


adamhollandblog [AT] gmail [DOT] com