Kansas Attorney J. Christopher Pryor used to belong to the SSPX. Pryor, who was raised in a conservative Catholic home in Brooklyn's Bay Ridge neighborhood and on Long Island, became affiliated with the traditionalist Catholic movement under the impression that it merely promoted a conservative brand of Catholicism including the traditional Latin Mass. His experiences studying for the priesthood within a SSPX seminary gave him an intimate view of the organization and led him to believe that it represents something more sinister. In fact, Mr. Pryor studied at the largest American seminary of the SSPX, located in Winona, Minnesota, a school which was at that time run by the infamous Holocaust-denying Bishop Richard Williamson. (Williamson was given the title of Bishop by the order after it broke away from the Vatican so the legitimacy of that title may be questioned.) Williamson gained notoriety after his November, 2008 interview on Swedish TV, during which he denied the Holocaust. The ensuing uproar led to the SSPX firing him from his position as the leader of their Latin American operation, which, not coincidentally, is headquartered in Buenos Aires. Williamson fled Argentina for London, where he received assistance from his ideological comrades Michelle Renouf and David Irving. (More here.) Although Williamson has become a lightning rod, embarrassing the order by drawing public attention to his outrageously bigoted statements and associations, the attention given him has not done enough to bring to to light the anti-Semitism, paranoia and political extremism at the ideological core of the traditionalist Catholic movement.
Christopher Pryor has, in recent years, made an effort to inform the public about Williamson and the SSPX in particular, and the traditionalist Catholic movement in general. In October, 2010, he participated in the annual conference of the Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism (JSA), where he gave a brief talk on the subject. Nine minutes isn't nearly enough time to hear all he has to say about this, but it's a good start. I strongly recommend that those interested in this subject read Pryor's article, "Traditional Catholicism and the Teachings of Bishop Richard Williamson", in Vol. 1, Issue #2 of the JSA. It can be downloaded in pdf here. I also recommend reading the blog Fringe Watch, which covers this subject on an ongoing basis.
(More video of the conference is available here.)
The Southern Poverty Law Center has published a number of useful articles about the traditionalist Catholic movement. Check them out here and here and here and here. More here.
Here's video of Williamson's infamous interview:

Bishop Richard Williamson (left, background) with David Irving (foreground)
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