Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ron Paul Chief Aide: Rothschilds killed JFK

Lew Rockwell, longtime chief aide and advisor to Ron Paul, has published a column claiming that the Rothschilds were responsible for assassinating President Kennedy. According to Rockwell's website, a secret conspiracy of "Illuminati" with the Rothschilds at its top started the grand conspiracy when it "planned" the creation of "our consumer society" in 1832.  The article cites as indication of this the founding of Yale's "Skull and Bones" fraternity, an organization which has somehow become the focus of many such conspiracy theories. According to Rockwell, Kennedy was shot by the "Illuminati" because of a speech Kennedy gave in 1961 which purportedly obliquely referred to this conspiracy.

Here's the Rockwell website's take on American history:

Our consumer society didn’t just happen; it was planned. Not in 1910, or 1954, but in the year 1832, the year William Huntington Russell and fellow classmate Alphonso Taft founded the Skull and Bones society at Yale University, a branch of the Bavarian Illuminati.

Members, known as “Bonesmen,” include Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb and Morgan all connected to the House of Rothschild’s global financial empire. They are founders of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, France, and Germany or, for that matter, any central bank anywhere in the world. In theory, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, one of the most important domestic acts in the nation’s history, took the power to create money from the people and gave it to the Bonesmen for profit.

Yes, that's a pretty weird take on the origins of the central banking system, but it's just the start. According to, Kennedy was alluding to this whacked out theory when he made the following statement in a speech.

(W)e are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed."
That's pretty clearly a standard Cold War era denunciation of Communism. But not in Lew Rockwell world. Here's how his website would have it:

It was hard to miss the veiled reference to The Illuminati (House of Rothschild), Bilderbergers, CFR and the other secret societies that rule the world from behind the scenes.

The proof of this connection? The following unsourced alleged quote from Kennedy:

“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen” JFK

Yeah. That seals it. An alleged statement by Kennedy that history doesn't just happen without the will of powerful people behind it -- that pretty much cries out "The Rothschilds, Illuminatti and Bilderbergs are secretly controlling the world!" You just have to read between the lines.

By this logic, it makes perfect sense that the Rothschilds had to have JFK killed. They clearly feared that, 50 years later, would decode JFK's secret message.

Read the column here at Lew Rockwell's website: The 1961 Speech That Got JFK Killed? by Katherine Smith

That column is not an original, it's a repost from a really wacky blog called   The column's author, Katherine Smith, who describes herself as a retired research professor of history, has an unhealthy fascination with the Rothschilds.  Smith considers the Rothschilds to have been the leaders of a number of international conspiracies.  She even goes so far as to argue that they, working with the Nazis, who were responsible for the Holocaust.  But her take on the Holocaust is bit unusual.  Here's how she describes it:

Hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed and otherwise perished during the Second World War as a direct and indirect result of the harsh anti-Jewish policies of Germany in concentration camps.

The gist of that Holocaust denying column is that Hitler was a secret agent of the Rothschilds -- in fact, that he was secretly brainwashed by them to lose the war on their behalf.  According to Smith, this was all part of a conspiracy which was designed to pave the way for the creation of Israel.  That, Smith says, was Hitler's secret goal.  Smith claims that Hitler was secretly motivated by Zionism.

(To get a sense of the sheer insanity of this conspiracy theory, this column simply must be read.  Read Smith's column here: Adolph Hitler: War Hero, Street Cleaner, Prostitute or Secret Agent: A Psychohistory Analysis.)

So it seems that Katherine Smith, the Holocaust denier and promoter of insane, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, is the retired research professor of history that Lew Rockwell turns to when he wants to know who really killed JFK.  Thanks for that, Lew Rockwell.


Longtime Blogger said...

Lew Rockwell is a buncha confederates, straight up.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
modernity said...

Superb expose!

Adam Holland said...

Oh Crap: True. That crowd seems to regard Lincoln as a sort of Mussolini in a stovepipe hat. They think that Lincoln, Wilson and FDR all engineered unnecessary wars in order to consolidate power in the federal government. That's really the basis of the conspiratorial mindset of the Libertarians. To them, anything that results in federal action must be part of a conspricy by "elites". That's part of what draws the libertarians and neo-confederates together. That and out and out racism. (I know that many libertarians aren't racist, but as an ideology it has a strong affinity to racism -- as evidenced by Lew Rockwell and Murray Rothbard, among others.)

To the anonymous commenter whose post I deleted: As far as what happens here is concerned, I'm just the guy who writes this blog. Does it matter what else I do? And what's up with the gratuitous obscenity?

modernity: Thank you, thank you... You're too kind.

Readers: Check out Oh Crap, I Have A Crush on Sarah Palin and Modernity Blog. They're both great!

Anonymous said...

Are you interested in correcting two errors you made in your rant?
Where did you conclude "“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen” JFK" was the proof of the connection? Did you miss the Executive Order and how it related to sound money and our consumer society?

Second, "Smith claims that Hitler was secretly motivated by Zionism."
It says nothing of the kind. It says Hitler, a street cleaner and gay prostitute was motivated by his grandfather. BTW Greg Hallett says the same thing.

Now if you want to explore the Rothschilds and Zionism you will need to read:

Adam Holland said...


While you call my post a "rant", it is actually a mild debunking of a rant --actually two rants: the first blaming the Rothschild family, Skull and Bones, and the "Illuminati" for everything from creating the central banking system to assassinating JFK; the second claiming that Hitler was working for the Rothschild family (in fact, had been brainwashed by them) to deliberately lose the war in order to facilitate the creation of the State of Israel. You clearly missed the point of these columns when you say I misapprehended them. For that reason, there is hope for you. You may not actually believe insane conspiracy theories, you may only be misreading them. Why don't you go back and read them more carefully?

Adam Holland said...

BTW, who is Greg Hallet and why should I care what he says? I took a look at his website, and the guy is clearly a loon. Read it here:

Anonymous said...

Ok I will give in on the Rant. But you are the one that needs to read it more carefully. My comment and the essay.

Where did you conclude "“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen” JFK" was the proof of the connection? Did you miss the Executive Order and how it related to sound money and our consumer society?

Second, "Smith claims that Hitler was secretly motivated by Zionism."
It says nothing of the kind. It says Hitler, a street cleaner and gay prostitute was motivated by his grandfather. BTW Greg Hallett says the same thing.

Adam Holland said...,-6-oct-2005,-pg-3_jpg.jpg

Anonymous said...

I think this article was missing the point. The speech didn't get JFK assassinated it was his plan to put in place executive order 11110. Which has the same goal as Andrew Jackson and Lincoln. To take the nations money out of the central banks and back into the congress hands as the constitution willed it.Jackson accomplised this task for a short time.

With order 11110 The Rothschilds would have lost billions! they owned the reserves! (central bank of america) The Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional! Wake up people you pay taxes to pay the interest we borrow out of the reserves which are owned by private banks overseas.

Anonymous said...

I think this article was missing the point. The speech didn't get JFK assassinated it was his plan to put in place executive order 11110. Which has the same goal as Andrew Jackson and Lincoln. To take the nations money out of the central banks and back into the congress hands as the constitution willed it.Jackson accomplised this task for a short time.

With order 11110 The Rothschilds would have lost billions! they owned the reserves! (central bank of america) The Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional! Wake up people you pay taxes to pay the interest we borrow out of the reserves which are owned by private banks overseas.

Adam Holland said...

Jim Marrs' theory (from his book Crossfire) that JFK was killed by the Rothschilds to protect their holdings from E.O. 11,110 does not stand up to even the most cursory scrutiny. Check out this article at Public Eye for a full debunking.

While it must be a wonderful feeling to believe that you know a great truth that has escaped notice of the masses, don't you just hate that other feeling you get when that truth is revealed to be utter BS? Is it really worth it, when all is said and done?

Anonymous said...

I think if you look past all the crazies and racists... past the weird conspiracy theories... there's a tiny seed of truth to every story.

Anonymous said...

Two Presidents planning to issue US currency as opposed to Fed Reserve notes have been assassinated. I recommend Timeline of the Rothschild

Len Kurtz said...

Where in Crossfire does Marrs claim the Rothschilds did JFK?


adamhollandblog [AT] gmail [DOT] com