Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Auschwitz Prisoners' Message Found

n 1944, seven Auschwitz inmates scribbled their names on a scrap of paper and hid it in a wall to leave a trace of their existence in case they didn't survive the Nazi death camp. That note has now been discovered, and at least one of the prisoners, a Frenchman, is still alive.

The letter was found inside a bottle during excavation on the grounds of the former Nazi extermination camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.

The letter was found inside a bottle during excavation on the grounds of the former Nazi extermination camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.

Construction workers have found a message written by inmates of the Auschwitz death camp almost 65 years ago, the memorial site's museum said on Tuesday.

The message dated Sept. 9, 1944, was signed by seven prisoners, of whom six were Poles and one was French. At least two of them survived the camp, which was liberated by Soviet forces more than four months later, on January 27, 1945.

Further details will be released in the coming days. The note will be handed to the museum in early May, and the museum has already verified its authenticity.

The inmates "were young people who were trying to leave some trace of their existence behind them," museum spokesman Jarek Mensfelt told the Associated Press.

The men wrote down their names, camp numbers and home towns in pencil. The final sentence says: "All of them are between the ages of 18 and 20." At least two are believed to have survived the camp.

Media reports said one the Frenchman, Albert Veissid, was still alive and living in France.

The prisoners hid the note by placing it in a bottle and putting it in the concrete wall of the building, which was a warehouse for SS troops during the war. The prisoners had been reinforcing the cellar with concrete so that it could serve as an air-raid shelter.

The bottle was discovered a few days ago as builders were renovating the cellar of the building, now a vocational training college located near the memorial site.

The note gives the names as: Bronislaw Jankowiak, Stanislaw Dubla, Jan Jasik, Waclaw Sobczak, Karol Czekalski, Waldemar Bialobrzeski and Albert Veissid.

Mensfelt said Karol Czekalski and Wachaw Sobczak had definitely survived the camp and that he was trying to locate them.

Historians estimate that between 1 million and 1.5 million people were murdered in Auschwitz and that up to 1.35 million of them were Jews.

Albert Veissid, a former prisoner of Auschwitz death camp, was one of the seven people whose names had been listed on the paper.

Albert Veissid, a former prisoner of Auschwitz death camp, was one of the seven people whose names had been listed on the paper.

McKinney's fascist friends (continued)

I wrote recently about Cynthia McKinney's association with Matthias Chang, a Malaysian attorney who promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in his books and in international anti-Israel conferences he organizes for former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Mahathir. (Read here.) McKinney has been featured as a speaker at several of these conferences, and has promoted Chang's most recent book, The Shadow Money-Lenders, on the U.S. Green Party's website, endorsing Chang's contention that an international conspiracy of "Zionist" bankers is deliberately destabilizing the world economy to institute a one-world government under "Zionist" control. (Read here.)

According to Chang (read here), his books are inspired by those of Eustace Mullins, author of "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation" (read here) and The Biological Jew (read here). Chang is published in the United States by Willis Carto's The Barnes Review and American Free Press, which are essentially neo-Nazi publications largely devoted to Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism. He works closely there with Carto associate Michael Collins Piper (read here), who has been described as "an American far-right emissary to the Islamic world" (read here). Piper, for his part, is the author of a number of books, including FINAL JUDGMENT:The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, which blames "Zionists" for assassinating John and Robert Kennedy, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., CIA Director William Colby (?), and for the attacks on the Oklahoma City Federal Building and the World Trade Center. (Read here.)

It turns out that Chang isn't McKinney's only fascist friend. In a recent column which McKinney also posted on the U.S. Green Party website (read here), McKinney approvingly quotes David Pidcock and refers to him as her "London friend". In March 2009, both McKinney and Pidcock participated in a London anti-Israel forum which was sponsored by Prime Minister Mahathir's foundation. Pidcock was the head of an apparently defunct organization called the British Islamic Party; their literature refers to him ominously as "The Leader". He claims to be affiliated with something called the "National Association for Victims of Fraud and Banking Malpractice" (which flies under Google's radar) and also says that he meets on a monthly basis in the U.K. House of Lords as part of something called the Forum for Stable Currencies. He says (here) that he, and the following list of notables, acted as informal economic advisers to Prime Minister Mahathir when he was in office:

"It might be of interest for you to know that there was some western input into Dr. Mahathir's eastern thinking. The unsung western heroes include James Gibb-Stuart author of the Money Bomb and Hidden Menace; Kenneth C. Palmerton Vice Chairman of CCMJ – the Christian Council for Monetary Justice and an English convert Rupert Mohammed Rafiq an English banker, and other members of the Forum For Stable Currencies..."

Pidcock is the author of Satanic Voices Ancient and Modern (downloadable here), which contends at great length that a 3,000 year-old conspiracy of Freemasons, Illuminati, and "Luciferian Zionists" (?) is responsible for the bulk of the world's evils. It also "defends" Salman Rushdie against the death sentence of the Ayatollah's fatwa, stating that it would violate Islamic law to execute someone so clearly insane. In other words, the book is of the same general character as those of Chang, Mullins and Piper, albeit in a more disjointed and idiosyncratic form, if such a thing is possible.

Pidcock also authored a bizarre pamphlet called "Islamic Prophecies" which claims that the Israelis intend to conquer and occupy most of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia as part of an ancient plot in which Freemasons and the Young Turks are somehow involved. His "evidence" is available in pdf here.

One of the primary internet outlets for Pidcock's ravings is the website iamthewitness.com. (A cached version of the website is available here.) This website is entirely devoted to fascist and anti-Semitic propaganda, prominently featuring the complete International Jew by Henry Ford, which it bills, here, as recommended by Pidcock. This website is operated by someone called Daryl Bradford Smith, who describes himself (here) as a former chef, restaurateur and professor, as well as a "patriot (with a) minuteman mindset". A Google search of the iamthewitness website for the term "pidcock", here, gets 362 hits. Besides publishing Pidcock's crackpotSatanic Voices, Smith has posted audio of several interviews with Pidcock. The audio of these interviews is available online here.

I strongly recommend listening to at least one of these interviews and glancing at Satanic Voices to bring into focus both just how crazy this stuff is and how anti-Semitism is a sort of unified field theory for these people. They literally believe that this is the key by which they can explain all of human history. For one thing, he strongly implies (here) that both Lincoln and Napolean were victims of Jewish conspiracies. There's also this "Message from The Leader" on the British Islamic Party website written in response to 9/11 in which Pidcock blames "Zionists"and "British Intelligence" for Pearl Harbor. (Read here. Money quote: "If...the World Trade Centre is 'another Pearl Harbor', then the President and his cabinet knew all about it, just as Roosevelt knew of the impending attack on his own men and ships long before the attack
... The overall plan (with respect to Pearl Harbor) was to offer to the Zionists 'A clear cut policy on Palestine'.)

Listen to this interview (mp3 available here) to get a sense of the sheer, all-encompassing madness of a world-view which purports to explain most of human history by the Jews having been cursed in biblical times. In it, he blames Jews for both the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. The interview is described on Smith's website (here) as follows (redundancy intact):

Whoever controls the world's money controls the world
The financial conspiracy of the Jewish Mafia. David Pidcock lays bare the financial conspiracy of the Jewish Mafia. Pidcock explains the "City of London" is Zionist, not British, and many of Hitler's top Nazis were Jews.

Smith's next interview with Pidcock (mp3 here) is described as concerning

How the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and other attacks were created just like the 9-11 attack.

On her Green Party blog, Cynthia McKinney asks whether the U.S. is headed the way of the U.S.S.R. and asks if President Obama is in the process of setting up the equivalent of a post-Soviet oligarchy. She turns for her answer to David Pidcock:

When I was in London recently for the Malaysia conference, I met a gentleman who completed the answer for me. Economist Michael Hudson and lawyer and author Ellen Brown had confirmed my worst fears, but Mr. David Pidcock really brought them all home for me. And the short answer to the question I put to him is,
"Yes, the U.S. economy is being hollowed out with our own money, not for the benefit of the American people, but for the benefit of a few and yes, President Obama has enabled the very characters who have successfully implemented this result elsewhere."

In the next few essays, I will explain as others are doing as well, what is going on in plain speak. The obligation of voters to educate themselves will be far more difficult if there is far less truth in plain speak out there for them to read. I will try my best to combine my research and experiences with the findings of trusted experts and share them with you in plain speak....

Finally, David Pidcock, my London friend, reminds us in "Money: A Christian View," that a socially healthy economy achieves the highest possible standard of living for all and achieves the "elimination of insecurity and fear and consequent selfish materialist values, so that the individual human being may be enabled to live

with dignity and self-respect."

It appears that Cynthia McKinney has some very peculiar ideas about which experts are trustworthy. She is able to overlook their extreme, even outlandish, bigotry so long as they confirm her own prejudices. McKinney should reveal what else Pidcock had to say to her concerning the identity of the oligarchy which he, and apparently McKinney, believe to be behind the global economic crisis.

U.K. readers may be interested to know that, in addition to his purported monthly meetings in the House of Lords, Pidcock has also claimed to be associated with Brian Gould, former Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. In 2002, Pidcock chaired a Dubai forum devoted to promoting Sharia-compliant finance (read here) and says that he found common-ground with Gould. Grain of salt alert: this is Pidcock's view of the relationship, not Gould's.

David Pidcock
David Pidcock


Friday, April 24, 2009

Czech police arrest racist leader David Duke

from ČeskéNoviny: Czech police arrest former Ku Klux Klan leader Duke

Prague - The Czech police arrested David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan racist movement, in Prague today on suspicion of promotion of movements seeking suppression of human rights, Prague police spokesman told CTK.

Arriving in the Czech Republic at the invitation of local neo-Nazis, Duke was to give lectures in Prague and Brno.

Duke, a U.S. citizen, is suspected of denying or approving of the Nazi genocide and other Nazi crimes. This crime is punishable by up to three years in prison in the Czech Republic.

According to an Internet text signed by Filip Vavra, who is linked to the neo-Nazi National Resistance group, Duke has visited the Czech Republic in order to promote his book My Awakening.

Czech lawyer Klara Kalibova said some passages of the book can be interpreted as an effort at justifying or challenging the Holocaust.

Czech police are reportedly focusing on the book as well.

Duke was to give three lectures in the Czech Republic. The first was to take place at Prague's Charles University, but the university has banned it.

The other two lectures were to be held in the centre of Prague on Saturday and in Brno, capital of Moravia, on Sunday, according to the website presenting Duke's visit.

Some Czech politicians assessed Duke's visit negatively earlier this week. Disapproving stand in this respect has been expressed by Interior Minister Ivan Langer and Human Rights and Minorities Minister Michael Kocab.

A lecture Duke was to give at Prague's Charles University was banned by the administration of that university earlier this week (read here).

According to news reports (read here):

Duke's visit came at the time of high political tensions following Saturday's neo-Nazi demonstration in the northern Czech town of Usti nad Labem and an assault on a Romany family in the northeastern Czech Opava region.
The Roma website Romea.cz has extraordinary coverage of this violent neo-Nazi anti-Roma demonstration here, a piece on the attack on the Romani family here, and coverage of the counter-demonstrations here. Their correspondents indicate that the police were "callous" in their treatment of the counter-demonstrators and that the police and the federal government have not been responsive to requests by the Roma community for protection from the neo-Nazis (read here).

The racist rally was cosponsored by the leader of the neo-Nazi National Resistance Party Filip Vavra, who is also apparently hosting David Duke's visit. Vavra has a website which is viewable here in Google translation.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ron Paul Tea Party Anti-Semitism

The Bay Area Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty meetup has been made private since this story had been made public, but its still online for loyal ronpaulians to enjoy. Check out their graphic on the following.

Tax Day Tea Party - Hillsdale Mall, San Mateo - Bay Area Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty (Los Altos, CA) - Meetup.com

Tax Day Tea Party - Hillsdale Mall, San Mateo

Apr 15
Wed 1:00 PM

31st Street and El Camino
San Mateo, CA 94403

Estimated attendance
200 people attended.

Who organized?
Kathy McGrade

1:00 - 7:00pm at Hillsdale Mall:

The "Conservative Republicans" group is coordinating this event, believe it or not! Does that really mean what I think it means, that the masses are finally waking up? I think it does. Let's be there by their sides to support them. Let's demonstrate to the old school conservative Republicans all of the ideals we have in common. Let them hear how much we think and talk alike. Let's help them to feel comfortable with those of us who stretched their... Read more

Here's a better view of that graphic:


Any comments, ronpaulians?

Cynthia McKinney and the far-right. The red-brown convergence now includes the Greens.

Former U.S. Representative and 2008 Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney has joined those seeking to take advantage of the world economic crisis to promote anti-Semitism. McKinney has published a column promoting the conspiracy theories of the far-right anti-Semite Matthias Chang.

McKinney's column (read here), which accuses George Soros and Alan Greenspan of participating in a plot to deliberately destabilize the world economy in order to install a "one-world government", uses Chang's term for this purported conspiracy: "the Shadow Money-Lenders" (not coincidentally, the title of Chang's most recent book). Typical of such conspiracy theories, Chang and McKinney connect this to an ancient plot which took shape under the hidden hand of the Rothschilds. McKinney puts a somewhat confused post-colonial third-world spin on this by citing Haiti as an example of what she says is planned for the rest of the world, the apparent link being that she happens to be in Haiti at the moment. Her leftist, "shock doctrine" approach also serves to make the essentially fascist contents of her column more palatable.

"I can only guess what the endgame is", McKinney states, before telling us, in the words of Matthias Chang, that

"(a) policy of 'controlled chaos' will be implemented and we will witness in major cities of the USA, UK and Europe of street battles, orchestrated by the Intelligence Services, between the white folks and the immigrant population. In the USA it will be against the Latinos and then the blacks . . . In the UK and Europe, it will be against mainly immigrants from Turkey, the Northern Mediterranean states and Pakistan and they are essentially Muslims. There is therefore, the added fuel of Islamic radicalism, which in the first place, was the creation of the Western intelligence services."

Matthias Chang is a Malaysian attorney who served as an adviser to former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad with whom he is still closely associated. Chang's influence was evident in Prime Minister Mahathir's infamous speech to the 2003 Islamic Summit Conference, in which he accused the Jews of world domination and oppression of the world's Muslims (read here). Chang was also behind a visit of a delegation of Holocaust deniers and "9/11 truth" advocates to Malaysia in 2006 (read here). The delegation was led by Michael Collins Piper, famous for his claim that Israel was behind the JFK assasination. During this tour, this delegation participated in a conference called “Islam, Humanity and World Peace” in which Yvonne Ridley also participated . This delegation was interviewed by the Malaysian media, addressed conferences at the University of Malaya and the International Islamic University, and visited with Prime Minister Mahathir. They also promoted the Malay translations of Pipers books. (Read here.)

Chang has made a post-politics career of writing books which expound at great length his belief in apocalyptic conspiracies involving Jewish bankers. He has also continued to advise Dr. Mahathir, working on the board of his foundation and organizing "anti-Zionist" conferences. Excerpts of "The Shadow Money-Lenders" posted online make the very confused argument that international bankers (read "Jews") have been both controlling and destabilizing the governments of the world's most powerful nations, with the exception of China, which Chang claims has somehow escaped this snare (read here). Chang blames this same international bankers conspiracy for creating both capitalism and socialism, and for the Russian Revolution, Zionism and the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, citing familiar far-right anti-Semitic propaganda as evidence. The cover of the book warns that "THERE WILL BE BLOOD ON THE STREETS", with the word "blood" written in a blood-red, dripping typeface (read here). (Editorial note: shouldn't that be "blood in the streets"?)

While McKinney has a history of anti-Jewish and conspiracy theory beliefs, this is something new. In the past, she has blamed her political failures on a Jewish conspiracy. She has supported boycotting Israel and cutting off U.S. ties. However, by promoting the neo-fascist books of Matthias Chang, she has taken a leap from the world of the left into the world of the brown-red convergence, where anti-Semites of the extremes of right and left meet.

Cynthia McKinney must know of Matthias Chang's far-right beliefs; he wears them on his sleeve. His books are literally filled with bizarre conspiracy theories. Chang's so-called "Future Fastforward trilogy" of books, which oppose both capitalism and socialism and present a nightmarish vision of a world controlled by an evil Zionist Anglo-American conspiracy, are solidly in the tradition of fascist, anti-Semitic conspircay propaganda. His website extols as his inspiration an amazing list of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semitic crackpots (read here):

the American Free Press, The Barnes Review, The Spotlight, and the truth seekers that I have long admired, Harry Elmer Barnes, Willis Carto, Michael Collins Piper, Christopher Petherick, Eustace Mullins (whose life-long persecution by the Police State is a disgrace to the Constitution), (and) Col. Donn de Grand Pre...

Chang and Mahathir have created what they call the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War -- a foundation whose website is completely devoted to anti-Israel propaganda (read here), and whose blog is similarly "focused" (read here). Here's a quote from a recent post on the foundation's blog (read here):

The Jewish psychic (sic) that they are “the chosen people of God” is the bitter source of the miseries afflicting the entire World ever since the time the Jewish God, Yahweh, chose the Jews to be His chosen people. To the Jews all the non-Jews over the world including Bush, Obama, Gordon Brown and the entire Americans, Europeans and the Asian are “non-human” and “inferior souls” whom they termed as Gentiles. These Gentiles could be cheated, deprived of their property and be killed without pricking the conscience of any Jew. A dangerous physic indeed! Don’t you remember Shylock in the “Merchant of Venice”?.

The Jews had never kept their promises to the Gentiles. Why should they? As any resolution, promise, treaty, contract, mutual agreement with the Gentiles is not binding upon the Jews as the Jews are ordained higher souls than the Gentiles. Indeed, the United Nations kept a high volume of the Jews’ non-compliances and violations of the United Nations’ Resolutions.

At Chang's and Mahathir's invitation, McKinney participated in a conference their foundation sponsored called the "Expose War Crimes - Criminalise War International Conference", which was held in Kuala Lumpur in February 2007. (Read here.) Presumably, she did so at the foundation's expense, perhaps even being paid for her participation. This account of the event in a Malaysian arts website wryly notes the contradiction of the "peace activist" Chang being prominently touted by the racist British People's Party (here, for example, in a piece about his participation in the Iran Holocaust Denial conference of 2006). The description of the proceedings of this conference makes the Durban Conference seem like a meeting of B'nai Brith. At one point, McKinney stood up and declared: “Kuala Lumpur has become the peace capital of the world!” More recently, in February 2009, McKinney attended Chang and Mahathir's "Conference for Palestine" in Kuala Lumpur. (Read here.)

Gene of Harry's Place reports that McKinney participated in an anti-Israel conference sponsored by this foundation in London on March 31, 2009. (Read here.) McKinney's account of the event is online here.

Chang's website prominently features the text of his message of support for the American Free Press and Barnes Review which was delivered to the "AFP-TBR Free Speech" conference in Washington, D.C. in September, 2006. This support is reciprocal. These neo-fascist groups publish and distribute Chang's books in the United States. (Read "Future Fast Forward" here.) The homepage of the Barnes Review website promotes several of Chang's books, even offering one as a subscription promotion alongside works such as The Myth of the Six Million and The Passion Play at Oberamerrgau. (See cached version here or pdf here.) The American Free Press website promotes Chang's Future Fastforward here (in pdf), asking the question:

"Will there be a worldwide "people’s war" against the super-capitalists and their Zionist allies?."

In Future Fastforward, Chang cites anti-Semitic polemicist Eustace Mullins as his primary influence, stating:

I have learned more about international finance and banking from (Mullins on the Federal Reserve) than any textbooks that I have studied as an economics student at the university level and ever since .

[Read more about Eustace Mullins here. Mullins on the Federal Reserve is readable online here. Another book of Mullins' crackpot anti-Semitic theories is posted here. In this book, The Curse of Canaan, A Demonology of History, Mullins argues that Jews (whom he sometimes calls "Canaanites") are literally descended from Satan. It traces Mullins' international bankers conspiracy to ancient Babylon, and claims that it includes both Jews and Freemasons. (Read here.) Mullins is also the author of The Biological Jew, which argues that the Jewish people fit the scientific definition of parasitism. (Read pdf here.) Louis Farrakhan, in the culmination of his farewell speech to the Nation of Islam, cited Eustace Mullins as required reading for his followers. (Read here and here.) Eustace Mullins is also the author of Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation, (read pdf here at p. 27) in which he names the culprits responsible for starting World War II. If you guessed "international Jewish bankers", you're right]

You may be interested to know a bit more about the groups which publish Matthias Chang, and which he in turn praises so highly. A pdf of a flyer for the AFP-TBR 2006 Free Speech conference is available on the American Free Press website here. The "Nordwave" website has a description of the conference here (cached version). Here are some highlights from the first day of the conference, in the words of "Nordwave":
On Friday, September 1, the opening evening of the conference, after welcoming remarks by American Free Press editor Christopher Petherick, attendees were treated to speeches by:

James K. Warner of the Christian Defense League (CDL Report, Sons Of Liberty Books) who spoke on the subject of Proportional Representation.

Mike Bower was the next speaker, his subject being the "third way" between jewish socialism/communism and jewish capitalism ... Social Credit. Mr. Bower has made an in-depth study of C.H. Douglas nationalist no-middleman economic theories.

It was our great pleasure to meet the following speaker, Mr. Alex Hassinger of Nordwave, an up and coming leader in the Nationalist movement who spoke on the future of our European culture.

Dr. Harrell Rhome of The Eagle Newsletter, Corpus Christi, TX was the next to speak on the survival of the West. Dr. Rhome puts out an excellent newsletter every month with an eclectic mix of revisionist history, suppressed news and articles on white survival.

Master of Ceremonies Dave Von Kleist introduced Margaret Huffstickler, a contributing author to The Barnes Review who also happens to have a beautiful operatic voice. Miss Huffstickler treated the crowd to a short recital.

John Stadtmiller of the Republic Broadcasting Network (www.rbnlive.com) hosted his nightly radio show in a separate room of the hotel, as did Michael Collins Piper. Attendees were able to sit in and listen if they chose to.

A wine and cheese social followed, where we were able to see old friends and made some new ones. Veteran patriots and nationalists Ralph Forbes, Dr. Ed Fields and his wife Jane, Jim Warner of CDL Report, Chicago activist Art Jones and his wife, Eustace Mullins, Ted Gunderson and Fred Toben were just a few in attendance.

John Nugent, Nationalist activist and former congressional candidate who is now writing for the Barnes Review was in attendance. My wife and I hadn't seen John since before the birth of our first child....16 years ago. We were very happy to see him again, and he introduced us to Mr. Theo Junker, the former member of the Wiking division of the S.S. who courageously opened a Museum in Wisconsin dedicated to the memory of Adolf Hitler. It was indeed one of the highlights of the conference meeting this courageous patriot who continues to fight the good fight well into his 80's. God bless you, Herr Junker!

Here are some highlights from day two:

The 911 Panel followed. It was my pleasure meeting Mrs. Ellen Mariani, widow of a 911 victim and a gutsy lady who has a lawsuit going against the government and Bush for their complicity and cover-up of this false-flag operation. She was joined on the panel by WTC survivor William Rodriguez and Lisa Gulliani and Victor Thorn of WING TV (www.wingtv.net).

Professor Ray Goodwin spoke next on corruption and Political correctness in academia, followed by USS Liberty investigator and film producer Tito Howard on new findings on Israel's treacherous attack on the U.S. vessel in 1967.

Afternoon session:Dr. Virginia Abernathy spoke on the illegal alien invasion, followed by AFP correspondent and author Michael Collins Piper, who read aloud Malaysian Nationalist author Mathias Chang's message to attendees.

RBN Radio's John Stadtmiller then gave a short talk on reaching out to the patriot community.

Eustace Mullins, veteran nationalist author and protege of the legendary poet and nationalist thinker Ezra Pound was the next to speak on the subject of The Federal Reserve and the world-wide spiderweb of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Mr. Mullins is a legend, and has gone through a lifetime of hell at the hands of the "usual suspects" and deserves our utmost respect and thanks.

Peymon Mottahedeh of Freedom Lawschool spoke next on the Constitution, the IRS and citizen's rights.

Steve Lynch gave a talk on government mind control.

Former FBI Los Angeles bureau chief Ted Gunderson spoke next on "Why the FBI can't find missing kids" and went into detail on children being exploited by high level politicians and bureaucrats.

Michael Collins Piper spoke next about his investigative work putting together his latest book, "The Judas Goats." Subtitled "The enemy within," this book is a history of infiltration and subversion of the American nationalist movement by the ADL and other agents of jewry from before the second world war to the present day. This book names names and exposes the traitors and infiltrators in our midst.

Saturday evening was banquet night. Author Joe Sobran was the featured speaker. I have always admired Joe Sobran's articles that have never pulled punches when it came to the jewish question, and looked forward to his talk. Unfortunately, it turned into the only real disappointment of the weekend. Mr. Sobran spent most of his talk pointing out the differences between muslims and Christians....this in the presence of Muslim allies in the struggle against Zion...including Dr. Hesham Tillawi of www.currentissues.tv

Now, being a fellow Catholic I understand where Sobran was coming from... but as I've stated many times, these are no longer "The Crusades" this is the era of the "Jewsades" where Christian Janissary's are off fighting Muslims so that they can be made utter vassals of Israel. The Muslims are NOT the aggressors today... the US and its alien Anti-Christ controllers ARE. Mr. Sobran would have done well to concentrate on public enemy # 1... that same race that screamed "Crucify Him" 2000 years ago.

Here's day 3:

Father Nicholas Gruner of the "Fatima Crusader" was in attendance and was kind enough to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 7:00 a.m. in the main ballroom for those Catholics in attendance.

Dale Crowly spoke on The Bible and the first Amendment at 8:00a.m.

Willis Carto, founder and publisher Of American Free Press and The Barnes Review then introduced keynote speaker Dr. Ingrid Zundel, wife of imprisoned "holocaust denier" Ernst Zundel, who spoke at length of Ernst's ordeal, as well as others who refuse to accept the holocaust lie and are being imprisoned and tortured as a result by "democratic" governments.

Dr. Fred Toben of Australia's Adelaide Institute spoke next on "International attitudes toward the holocaust" Dr. Toben's own thoughts as well as pictures from the conference can be viewed by visiting his website.

Harry Cooper of "Sharkhunters" spoke next on the intriguing subject " Did Hitler and Bormann escape the Fuehrerbunker?" Perhaps we'll never know for sure...

After a delicious brunch about noon, Mike Piper handed out awards to some of the worlds most daring historical researchers, including:
  • Dr. Fred Toben
  • Canada's white rights advocate Paul Fromm
  • Dr. Ingrid Zundel
  • Lady Michele Renouf
  • Peymon of Freedom Lawschool
  • Eustace Mullins
  • Victor Thorn of WING TV
  • William Rodriguez
  • AFP's and Barnes Review's John Tiffany
  • Alex Hassinger of Nordwave
    Long time veteran nationalist and activist Paul Christian Wolff received an award for his efforts to expose the REAL holocaust of Dresden.

    Yours truly was surprised and got a big kick out of being given the "Saddam Hussein Award" I consider it an honor!.. Thanks Mike!

    Dr. Udo Walendy then spoke on World War I history from a revisionist perspective.

    The "Holocaust" panel was up next with Dr. Fred Toben serving as moderator, with panel members Willis Carto, Paul Fromm, Dr. Richard Krege, and Lady Michelle Renouf.

    Following the panel discussion, Lady Michelle Renouf gave a talk on the immoral jailing of David Irving, Germar Rudolf and others.

    My wife Deirdre Fields then gave a short talk on the Jewish hand in the genocide and disenfranchisement of whites in her native South Africa. Of course I'm not being prejudiced when I say it was one of the best speeches of the conference.

    The fireworks were reserved for the grand finale... the Middle East Panel. Attorney and JFK assassination investigator Mark Lane (Rush To Judgment) was moderator of the panel, which consisted of two "anti-zionist" orthodox rabbis of the "Naturei Karta" organization, Lebanese Catholic Mark Glenn, Hesham Tillawi and Iranian Journalist Nader Talebzadeh. One of the more memorable statements came fron Hesham Tillawi, a native of Palestine who said, " I came to America to escape the zionist occupation of Palestine, only to find that America is also occupied by the zionists." Truer words are seldom spoken.
    While the rabbis were anti-zionist for religious reasons of their own, Mark Glenn took the microphone and courageously told the rabbis to their faces that the problem was their Anti-Christ religion and the hatred in their Talmud. Mark just about got a standing ovation, and it was all down-hill from there for the rabbis....who sputtered and stammered and tried to pass the Talmud off as a book of "love." They obviously didn't know what audience they were trying to "pilpul." RIGHT ON MARK...
    God bless you for telling the WHOLE truth.

    Best to let these bigots speak for themselves. Cynthia McKinney: any comment on your poor choice of friends?

    [*NOTE: A previous version of this post stated that McKinney has gone on the record to blame Israel for 9/11 and that the U.S. Green Party platform in 2008 made the same charge. While Cynthia McKinney has endorsed the 9/11 conspiracy theories of others who have blamed Israel, "Zionists" or "neo-cons" for the attacks (read here), she does not seem to have gone on the record about her views of an Israeli connection to 9/11. She is more than welcome to clarify her views on this subject in this space. McKinney has, notoriously, claimed that President Bush had foreknowledge of the attacks and deliberately allowed them to occur to let his friends profit from the U.S. military response (read here). This charge, which she has repeated, has made her both a hero and embarasment to the "9/11 truth" movement. She has also repeatedly taken part in interviews where her questioners blamed Jews for 9/11. In each instance where this has happened, McKinney has not only failed to disagree, she has replied in ways designed to support such views.

    With respect to the U.S. Green Party platform, an earlier version of this post mistook the position paper on 9/11 issued by the Washington State Green Party with the national platform. The Washington State Greens issued on their official campaign website a lengthy article outlining supposed evidence of a 9/11 conspiracy. This position paper, which was prepared by the party's 9/11 working group, cited as its only source the conspiracy theory website Serendipity.li. While the Washington State Green Party's website has disappered (much as the party itself has) the source for this material is still online and can be reviewed by those curious about the theories the Washington Greens endorsed. Anyone who still has the material published by the 9/11 Working Group of the Washington State Green Party during the 2008 campaign can send them to me at adamhollandblog@yahoo.com ]

    Friday, April 17, 2009

    Hamas says it will never recognize Israel

    from Reuters via Haaretz:

    Two top Hamas leaders made their first appearances at public events since Israel's Gaza war on Friday, signaling defiance of rival Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as he discussed peace prospects with a U.S. envoy.

    "We cannot, we will not, and we will never recognize the enemy in any way, shape or form," Mahmoud Zahar, one of the two leaders, said in a mosque sermon broadcast on the Islamist movement's radio station.

    Ismail Haniyeh, who heads the Hamas administration in Gaza, spoke at another mosque. As a precaution against assassination, both men had gone underground during a 22-day offensive Israel launched on Dec. 27 to counter Palestinian rocket fire. Their rare statements since have been mostly in pre-recorded speeches.

    In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, where Abbas's secular Fatah faction holds sway, the Palestinian president met U.S President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy George Mitchell.

    Mitchell is sounding out Abbas and Israel on the possibilities for Palestinian statehood despite long-running Fatah-Hamas tensions and a new right-leaning Israeli government that has shown little appetite for ceding West Bank land.

    In meetings with Israeli leaders on Thursday, Mitchell stressed Obama's commitment to the goal of a two-state solution, "in which a Palestinian state is living in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel", ending the decades-old conflict.

    "That is our objective. That is what we will pursue vigorously in the coming months," Mitchell said

    Mitchell's talk in Ramallah come after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- who opposed Israel's unilateral 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, arguing that it would stoke Hamas hostility - stated he wants talks with the Palestinians to focus on security and economic matters for now, not sovereignty.

    An Israeli official said Netanyahu also told Mitchell that any negotiations on a two-state accord should be conditioned on the Palestinians recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.

    Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat dismissed that demand as part of an effort by the two-week-old Israeli government to dodge commitments made by its predecessor to negotiate thorny issues such as statehood borders, and the future of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees.

    The Palestinians are themselves unable to present a united front as Hamas refuses to accept permanent coexistence with Israel and is shunned by Western powers as a terrorist group.

    Hamas won a Palestinian legislative election in 2006, forming a unity government with Fatah that was dissolved by Abbas after the Islamists seized control of Gaza in 2007.

    Egypt has been trying to arrange a new factional alliance after brokering an end to the Gaza war, which killed hundreds of Palestinian civilians and 13 Israelis, most of them troops.

    Haniyeh, who was formerly prime minister under Abbas, hailed the conflict as a "big victory".

    "Hamas is a big movement, the Palestinian resistance factions are deeply rooted among the people," he told reporters.

    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    Alleged Cop-Killer in Pittsburgh Linked to Neo-Nazis and Alex Jones

    Read here.

    Italian Jews Aid Quake Towns That Gave Shelter During World War II

    from the AP via Fox News

    FOSSA, Italy —  More than 65 years after villagers provided shelter toItalian Jews fleeing from the Nazis, a group of those who evaded capture rushed to repay that sacrifice in rural communities hard-hit by an earthquake last week.A delegation of around 20 elderly Jews and their descendants — as well as community leaders — made their way to makeshift camps in the area around the mountain city ofL'Aquila on Monday, peering into tents in a bid to find their saviors.

    They offered everything from gym shoes to summer camps for children.

    "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for these people," said Alberto Di Consiglio, whose parents were sheltered in the small hamlets of Fossa and Casentino during the war. "We have to help them."

    Read the rest...

    Friday, April 3, 2009

    (left to right; new Iranian Jewish immigrant Manouchehr Tabari and his 102-year-old mother Heshmat Elyasian, photo by Karmel Melamed)

    It’s not often I get the opportunity to chat with an individual in the Iranian Jewish community who has personally witnessed a century of our community’s existence in Iran, but I had that rare honor when meeting Heshmat Elyasian. She is the oldest Jewish immigrant to arrive in the United States from Iran andmy piece regarding her incredible long life appeared this past week in the Jewish Journal.

    Elyasian’s story is particularly important to us as Iranian American Jews because she symbolizes the remarkable transformation our community has made over the last century. Her father and uncles played music for the Nasser-al-Din Shah Qajar, one Iran’s monarchs during the late 19th century. This profession of music was indeed unique for Jews of that era because Muslims according to Shiite Islamic laws were prohibited from playing or listening to music. Of course, Nasser-al-Din being the supreme leader of the land could do or listen to whatever he desired—so he brought Jews to his court to entertain him with music. Many of our families have gone from living in poverty stricken slums and ghettos in Tehran, Shiraz, Esfahan and Hamadan where we were treated as second class citizens nearly 100 years ago to now living in luxurious mansions in Beverly Hills and in Great Neck, New York. Elyasian’s story is nearly the same as ever other Iranian Jewish immigrant to the United States. Leaving a familiar land where our ancestors lived for many centuries and starting over in America, a new country full of new opportunities and hope. More importantly I believe Elyasian’s immigration earlier this year reflects the reality that despite the idiotic comments of some news pundits such as Roger Cohen, there are still Jews leaving Iran after 30 years. While they may not be fleeing the country in mass waves as was the case in the late 1970s and 1980’s, they are still trickling out because they realize their children and grandchildren have no real future as Jews in Iran.

    On a side note, I found Elyasian’s son Manouchehr Tabari, to likewise have an interesting story on his own since he worked in the film industry as a cinematographer in Iran. Tabari created a number of unique documentaries about domestic life in Iran and one award winning documentary about the “darvishes” of Iran, a famous clan of nomads who have lived away from modern technology with their own ways of life. In addition Tabari has been a part of a number of other television documentaries over the years for Iranian television and even traveled to Southern Lebanon during the late 1980’s where he filmed then P.L.O. leader Yassir Arafat.

    Elyasian’s historic immigration gives me hope that Iran’s remaining Jews have not lost hope, are gradually finding their way out of that broken down country and are finding new freedoms in America and the West.


    Heshmat Elyasian, photo by Karmel Melamed
    Heshmat Elyasian, photo by Karmel Melamed
    photo of Elyasian’s father and uncles at Nasser-al-Din Shah’s palace circa 1900, photo courtesy of Manouchehr Tabari.

    Wednesday, April 1, 2009

    Thousands Of Children Stolen During Franco Rule

    I've been away from blogging for the most part in recent weeks.  I'm working on an extended article on the connections between traditionalist Catholicism and fascism.  Part of the article deals with Argentina.  I heard something on NPR Morning Edition this morning that fits right in with what I've been researching and I thought I'd share it.  During the Dirty War in Argentina the Videla junta kidnapped many hundreds of children of their victims, the "disappeared".  These children were treated in a similar fashion to those discussed in the following story.  The ideological background was also similarly connected to traditionalist Catholicism and very extreme anti-communism.

    from NPR Morning EditionThousands Of Children Stolen During Franco Rule (by Jerome Socolovsky)

    In recent years, there's been a movement in Spain to dig up the dark secrets of the Franco dictatorship — but there's one atrocity that is only now coming to light.

    It involved the stealing of thousands of children from leftist parents so they could be indoctrinated in fascism and archconservative Catholicism.

    Ushenu Ablana, 79, was one of those children. He is still afraid to talk about his childhood because it evokes a part of Spain's past that many people in the country would rather forget.

    The Fate Of The Children

    On one particular day, Ablana sits in the corner of a restaurant, away from the other diners, in the northwestern city of Santiago de Compostela. He takes out a faded photo album and begins his story.

    In the 1930s, during the Spanish Civil War, the town where Ablana was growing up was overrun by right-wing insurgents seeking to topple the Spanish Republic. How his mother died remains a mystery.

    "First they told me it was in childbirth," he says. "But that was one of their many lies. Later, I found out from old folks in the town that the rebels had tortured her to find out where my father was."

    Ablana says his father was suspected of being a leftist and was imprisoned until long after the war ended. Ablana was shuttled between orphanages, where he got tuberculosis. He says the priests starved him, sexually abused him and indoctrinated him in fascism.

    "I am a Falangist, and will be a Falangist 'til I die," are words to one of the songs that he says still echo in his head. "They ruined me," he says. "They stole my youth and my life."

    Ablana and thousands of other children were stolen in the early years of the dictatorship, when Francisco Franco's victorious forces were killing, imprisoning and sending thousands of people to labor camps.

    Stumbling Upon Forgotten Times

    But the stolen children were forgotten until around a decade ago. A historian, studying the plight of female political prisoners, stumbled onto evidence that more than 12,000 of their children had been taken and sent to orphanages or given to families that supported the regime.

    That historian is Ricard Vinyes, who was himself jailed by the Franco dictatorship. He says the regime was alarmed at how Spanish women had broken out of their traditional domestic roles under the prewar Republican government. So a state psychiatrist came up with a theory that politically active women were by definition morally degenerate, and should not be allowed to raise children.

    "It was amazing to see all the letters and telegrams of congratulations he got from the senior military brass," the historian says.

    Vinyes helped make a documentary called The Lost Children of Francoism. In it, a voice reads from the diary of a prison chaplain who was troubled by what he saw. He recorded the mothers' despair as their children were stolen, often just before their executions.

    "They cried, 'Please don't take my daughter,' or 'Kill her along with me,' " he says.

    Tyranny Of Silence

    After Franco died in 1975, Spaniards decided not to rake over the past. But in recent years, volunteers have been digging up mass graves from the Civil War, and the last statues of Franco are now being torn down. A few months ago, an investigating magistrate called on the judiciary to investigate the stolen children.

    Back at the restaurant, Ablana says he thinks the investigation won't go far, because most people would rather forget about the dictatorship.

    "The young, none of them know what happened. Even my own children who are in their 40s and 50s don't want to talk about it," he says.

    The dictatorship may have ended more than 30 years ago, but for many Spaniards, the tyranny of silence endures.

    ADDENDUM:   Mercedes Sanz Bachillar, widow of a falangist leader and founder of Auxilio Social, Spain's largest social service organizion under Franco (which was based on Hitler's Winterhilfe) had this to say when asked about this issue:
     "These reds of today are without faith, they change and distort history with poison ... that is what they are doing. This crowd is orchestrated by the devil ... they are putting their finger in the wounds ... they are spoiling everything."
    (Read pdf here at page 3.)

    Ushenu Ablana, 79, was one of thousands of children stolen from leftist parents during the Franco er

    Jerome Socolovsky for NPR

    Ushenu Ablana, 79, was one of thousands of children stolen from leftist parents during the Franco era so that they could be indoctrinated in fascism and archconservative Catholicism.


    adamhollandblog [AT] gmail [DOT] com